Obit : Cik Farah Kareena (19 Feb 1979 - 22 Dec 2007)
This is an Obit(uary) for my Sis being a single girl, anak dara, and my little sister. This is a statement for all the times that we never shared then; when I was away at boarding school and overseas. For all the advise that I never shared or bothered to tell you.
This is a farewell to all the fights and raised voices we shared over the years. Of all the unfair requests and orders that, as your Abalong, was issued in spite. For all the anguish that I may have caused; is there a time limit for forgiveness to be given?
This is my hope; that you will find 'eppiness' (a play on your very words) with your chosen partner. That you will, together, go thru thick and thin, and thru sickness and health. May Allah bless all of us, insyaAllah...
Note : I planned to post this in December, just after Kareena tied the knot. But after reading her latest post, I felt obliged to post this in response to her recent loss. Our sincere condolences and doa to you, sis...
is it just me, or you got farah's birth date wrong!!..'s 1979 la!! haha
ye la long. its 1979. heheheh.
neways, thnx for the msg dear. ILL always be that little blur-annoying-sometimes-disgusting sister of your's. hehe.
near or far, yesterday or the days to come, i have you close to my heart.
take care k.mmmuahs.
aiyoo - own sis besday also forget! ok Karee, you are now magically, one year younger...!
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