Friday, January 18, 2008

A decade with PETRONAS

Well it's a month old, but last December 16th, I celebrated the end of 10 years working with Petronas. I couldn't believe it's been that long; why, I still look like I'm barely 20! But yes, a full decade has passed since my first day in the workforce. I haven't really thought of what I have accomplished so far - have I've been successful? has my contribution touched anyone along the way? how would the past decade influence the next one? What has time told me then?

I think I can start on what has NOT changed : I still love computer games (playing them, however, is another thing. Just can't find the time!). I still like to bedazzle everyone who cares to listen with irrelevant but interesting general knowledge (example : Black pudding is the same as Haggis!). I can still survive on bread and chili sauce (this is true since 1981, so no contest there...)

Being that this is a recap of a decade with my employer, I'd like to recall some of the memorable events that have happened, and how it has changed me:

1997 - It's reporting day, and we have a bunch of forms to fill in. One form that intrigued me was a 'next-of-kin' form; who would get whatever that is owed to me from Petronas, in the case of my untimely demise... I remember putting my dad's name (hehe made sense at the time).. until Mama found out and gave me hell!! so I divided my 'value' between the two ;-)

1997 - Ah yes the 'internal rotation policy'. When first touring Petronas, I agreed to join my first department on the strength of what they showed me; selling jet-fuel to airlines... but when i reported to duty, the head said 'Ezal, in here we believe in rotation... hence, you'll be doing the butt-worst shittiest job first... (my words!)'. So what was the job then? collecting hutang from government accounts...**groan

1998 - Part of History. I was involved in this project to produce fleet cards, and one of the pilot customers was the Ministry of Finance. I'm proud to have created the first 100 accounts, including one of a certain Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim... I remembered regaling this fact to my peers! However, 2 short months later, I got a letter asking for that particular account to be terminated... I've always wondered if it had anything to do with that person's 'sacking' from the government (Sept 1998 - go figure!). I still have that termination letter in my personal files somewhere.

1999 - Blank. You know, I honestly can't remember what happened throughout 1999. Must have been an interesting year then!

2002-3-4 - Being Pissed. Petronas decides to revise the employee grading system, and somehow I fell in a crack. Honestly speaking, this wasn't a good time in my career. I saw my juniors being promoted before me. I was fuming because colleagues who did not move or try anything new get promoted just because they were in a 'stable' job, while I was in projects (oooh If I would only name names!). You can say that from this point onwards, my faith in the system was shaken. Before this I considered myself a soldier who would take a bullet for Petronas. Well, I'm 'glad' to say that this is no longer the case. I try to rebuild my optimism (which I am usually), but I'm more cynical nowadays. I went to a lot of people sharing my pains, but I learnt that one can only depend on ones' self. This was the period that I noticed some changes; I became picky in choosing friends. I 'patted myself on the back' in public more often, I was more critical of my colleagues and bosses, I became arrogant (when needed). It was painful, and against my principles, but I just couldn't let this hurt me anymore.

2004-5 - Remembering Bosses. Since we spend so much time at work, it's only natural that some of our values gets influenced by our colleagues. I guess things started to improve when I had some tremendous support from 2 sets of bosses; the first set (both men) helped me rebuild my confidence and help me shine in my department, and the second set (both ladies, who replaced the earlier set of bosses) helped me shape my perspective...and ultimately, helped me to move from my 'comfort zone'. I don't think I would have done anything drastic, were it not for these 4 people. I remembered a conversation I had at the end of 2005; I told my boss that I'd like to move to Sudan, and that when I have gathered enough experience, I would someday return to my old department...and she said 'No Ezal, once you've seen the world you won't come back ever again'.. somehow those words are still with me; was it a warning? or was it something deeper?

2006-7 - Making the Leap. Sudan. The country of opportunity and challenges. At this stage of my career, I am happy, really. I put my money on the challenges I'm facing; to my totally new set of friends and colleagues, and to the environment. The biggest impact on my career now is the opportunities that I've had to meet Petronas' top management all the way up to the President; to get to hear from them of their aspirations (and BS!) and better yet, for me to tell them (respectfully) of what I felt of the organisation.

So here's a cup of hot chocolate for the next 10 years! I hope that I have 'umur panjang' to see it through; as a great employee, and personally, as a great husband and father.

I believe, time will tell all...


Syikeen Pfordten 8:22 AM  

I wonder what had happened in 1999 that u had forgotten all the memories????

Ezalman 12:58 PM  

hehe - nothing sinister sayang... It was just a ho-hum year - by the book and nothing terribly exciting

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4Es are Ezalman Reezal, Esyikeen, Ehsan and Erica. We are currently living in Khartoum, Sudan. We hope to go home for good in the coming months. But until then...
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