Friday, October 5, 2007

Painting a Nu Face

baba tak nak tido ke? ok Ehsan sleep for you

Ckn was commenting the other day that my blog looked, well... blah... I had just recently changed the look of the blog (in July?), and to me it was serviceable. But after looking hard at it, I guess she had a point; It was dull. Colourless. Sterile. My postings would usually focus as much on the pictures I post as well as the actual blog, and somehow my old template just didn't bring the pictures to life.

So here you have it - it's still blah (!) I guess, as it's not animated and there are no moving parts to speak off. Maybe if I'd bother doing php, flash thingamijig, then maybe I can inject some life into this blog. Since I like to work with my photos (i.e. touching up all the bad-out-of-focus pics...believe me - there are a lot! still learning to be photog...haha) then this template will allow me quickly change the theme of ezalman_too, by changing the background picture once in a while (with thanks to Photobucket).

The bad news is that I had to revert to classic blogger templates, so I've had to do more hard-coding (wooo) than my previous template. But as I am lazy-assed to find out more about how to customise it, I'll just stick with this.

In the end, I guess the main focus ought to be the posts anyway (why else would I start a blog??) and not the template, which is a means to an end (and it should be a beautiful end as well as entertaining...). I hope Ckn likes it; if she asks me to help update hers, I'll jump right in!

(yes it's 3am...just waiting for Sahur)


eiseais 3:23 AM  

i'm thinking of changing mine too but i have no idea how to put a nice background (and the template changes that comes with it...)

Anonymous 4:17 AM  

Wahhhhh!!!!! So cantik la.... Patut la tak tido tunggu sampai sahur... So excited to change but what about our Kad Raya?????


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4Es are Ezalman Reezal, Esyikeen, Ehsan and Erica. We are currently living in Khartoum, Sudan. We hope to go home for good in the coming months. But until then...
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