Greeting Cards from the Past
It's now a tradition for me to produce greeting cards for special events and holidays. I do try to be as original as possible, but usually i try to ape what's currently 'in'! While preparing for our greeting card for this year's Eid, Ckn suggested that I showcase our previous years' cards.
I'm not a trained graphics artist. My earliest experience with computer graphics was in Secondary school, when I was a member of the school's computer club (geek alert!). I made this lame program which drew an outline of Michael Jackson (imagine his Smooth criminal pose...) accompanied with his music (can't remember which), at which time the outline ...changed colours. Did I mention it looked lame??
The only regret I have is that nearly all of my work before 2003 was lost due to a hard disk please; make sure you back up, back up and back up again!Thank You card, November 2003. This was complementing Ckn's idea to give away kuih raya to our closest friends and families. I felt that the packaging needed a card so I created this one - it was printed and attached with a ribbon.
Firdaus and Sy Hisham Wedding, January 2004. I made a simple card to attach to our wedding gift to my cousin Firdaus, when she got married.
May your love shine forever, February 2004. Continuing the flower theme, I created a simple generic design; If I recall, a few of Ckn's friends were getting married during that time so we could easily reuse the design .
Happy Birthday Mama, July 2004. For mama's birthday I wanted to create a simple design (hehe and something I can complete in 10 minutes since I forgot to do the design earlier!)
To be continued...
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