Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I had for Tea yesterday

Like always on a Friday, I would be walking to Amarat Hall to join the other Malaysians to play badminton (it's about a one-half kilometer walk). Before going any further, I would stop at the small fruit stall near my home and ask for SDG 1 (RM1.70) worth of bananas (I would get about 5 bananas!)

During the game (my stamina's totally off, so I only play a game!) I would usually finish one or two pieces of banana, so I have the remaining fast-riping bananas lying in the fridge. So what do i do with those bananas? Lemping pisang!

I shot a text message to my wife for a recipe; but being a man, I didn't wait and foolishly went ahead.

Ckn gave me this recipe : 1 level Tablespoon sugar, 3-4 level tablespoon flour and the bananas

And this is the actual that I used : 2 shakes of the sugar container, about 5-6 heaped tablespoons flour, pinch of salt, and 2 pours of milk (that's using Ezalman's metric system..) and the bananas.

I used a pancake pan to cook them dry - non-stick so I didn't use any oil and managed to get about 8 lemping . They look scrumptious don't they! How about the taste? well... I finished them all. I think they tasted fine, except it had a floury taste - I'm guessing I put in too much. Oh, and the flour expired 6 months ago...


Syikeen Pfordten 7:06 AM  

The next time I go back to Sudan I wish to have your new invention of banana pancake for tea.....

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4Es are Ezalman Reezal, Esyikeen, Ehsan and Erica. We are currently living in Khartoum, Sudan. We hope to go home for good in the coming months. But until then...
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