The Power of Speaking...when you're 2

My troubleshooters! Taken at the Hilton Hotel, Port Sudan, 2006
I was having a bad day a few days ago - somehow I got myself a personal swimming pool. But before you say "how lucky you are, Ezal!", let me explain what the difference is with my 'pool':
1. It's in the office
2. The pool is installed on my desk
3. ...all my work, books and files are floating in said pool
Yes, the roof was leaking, and somehow this year (it only rains about 5 days in a year in Khartoum) the roof decided it was best to piss over my parade! Relating madly to Ckn from a makeshift office, she said I should call home and speak to Ehsan; she was convinced that my 2 year old son can help cheer me up... I did just that and called them.
So, Ehsan picked up the phone ... and said 'Hieee... Baba?' I was gobsmacked, my mouth wide open. I could hear Ckn in the background saying 'Apa nama adik?', and Ehsan replies 'Erica'. The night before Ehsan hurt his foot, so Ckn asked him what he did when his foot hurt - and Ehsan made a crying/hurting sound - he even managed a 'snore' when asked about sleeping...
Well, after a few precious minutes hearing Ehsan 'speaking', I just kept laughing (Ehsan joined in too, mind) with tears in my eyes (hey c'mon I'm a father, but the tears never left my eyes. Promise). But Ckn was right; my condition was fixed and I forgot about my bad day!
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